What opportunities will Ph.D. students find in the Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent Development Program?
- You will have an opportunity to engage in research. Join one of our research teams working in schools and communities around the country examining key questions and issues in the field, and develop and pursue your own research path.
- You will have an opportunity to pursue career directions. Develop new skills and deepen your knowledge as you explore options for your professional future, whether in a university setting, school context, or other organization.
- You will have an opportunity to participate in outreach. Work with our team to support educators, families, and students through outreach activities on campus and beyond, and enhance your own professional reputation as a leader in the field.
- You will have an opportunity to work with expert leaders in the field. Our faculty include experienced leaders in the fields of gifted education and creativity research, currently engaged in multiple major research and outreach initiatives. Possible advisors include Dr. E. Jean Gubbins, Dr. James Kaufman, Dr. Catherine Little, Dr. Sally Reis, & Dr. Del Siegle.
How will I fund my Ph.D. program?
We are able to provide graduate assistantships for most of our Ph.D. students. In exchange for working between 10 hours (half-time GA) and 20 hours (full-time GA) per week on a research project, graduate students receive a tuition waiver, health insurance, and generous pay. Graduate students at UConn are member of the UConn Graduate Employee Union. Some students supplement their GA income with financial aid.
In addition, for students applying to the Neag School’s Department of Educational Psychology’s Ph.D. programs, the department also offers the EPSY Scholars Program, which has the following goals:
- To provide a mechanism for students to engage in research work that will result in peer-reviewed publications for the student.
- To facilitate faculty opportunity to support and prepare high-achieving graduate students.
The selected EPSY Scholars will receive a 10-hour graduate assistantship from the Department of Educational Psychology for up to four years, contingent on satisfactory academic standing and consistent completion of program requirements (i.e., annual submission of a progress update and plan for committee review). This is paired with an additional 10-hour graduate assistantship (provided by the advisor or program), so all EPSY Scholars will be fully funded for at least four years. The EPSY Scholars Program is intended to be a competitive program that will support recruitment of nationally competitive Ph.D. students and will facilitate these students’ engagement with active scholarship during their program.
How long does the program take?
Students generally complete the degree in 3 to 4 years. This usually involves 2 to 3 years of course work and 1 year to work on dissertation research. Most students stay in residence while working on their dissertation.
Can I complete the Ph.D. online?
At this time, we do not offer an online Ph.D. Our program is designed to develop the next generation of gifted education researchers and leaders. This requires experience working with faculty on campus with different research projects and outreach initiatives.
How do I select my major advisor?
When applying for the program, applicants indicate a preference for a major advisor. Generally, the major advisor has a line of research and interest that aligns with the applicant’s interests. Prior to applying, applicants should contact faculty members with whom they are interested in studying and discuss the program and the applicants’ goals. A campus visit is also very helpful. The Ph.D. applicant review committee will assign applicants a major advisor when they are accepted. Ph.D. students can change major advisors during the program based on interests they develop.
Am I required to take the GRE?
Yes, we require all Ph.D. applicants to submit GRE scores from within the last 5 years as part of their application for admission. We do not have a minimum GRE score for admission. GRE scores are used as one part of a portfolio of information that is used to determine the probability for success of a candidate in the program. In addition to GRE scores, the selection committee considers previous undergraduate and graduate work, career goals, research interests, writing samples, and recommendations.